English 6º Primaria

Good morning everyone!

Como vos foi coas actividades anteriores? Calquer dúbida que teñades podedes poñervos en contacto comigo a través do meu correo.
Let’s go to review more topics. Here goes today’s proposal
for English:

   4. Write 5 sentences in your notebook using “there is”, “there are”, “there isn’t” , there aren’t” “a”, “an”, “some” and “any” about your bedroom.
 For instancee, In my bedroom, there is a lamp.

   5. Vocabulary: two worksheets about parts of the house and “there’s” and “there are”.Worksheets

Do you sleep well? How many hours do you sleep a night? Podedes gravar as vosas respostas e mandálass o meu correo.

Moito Ánimo.

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