ENGLISH- INFANTIL (WEEK 25/05 - 05/06)

Hello girls and Boys!

Are you ready?

This WEEK, the TOPIC is…

(Esta SEMANA, o TEMA é…)



FIRST: We talked about the EASTER BUNNY and the EGGs, but which animals lay

PRIMEIRO: Falamos do EASTER BUNNY (o coelliño de Pascua) e dos OVOS, pero sabes que animais poñen OVOS?

SECOND: Some animals that lay EGGs live in the FARM. Do you know any other animals that live there?
SEGUNDO: Algúns dos animais que poñen OVOS viven na GRANXA. Sabes dalgún outro animal que viva ahí?


A FARM is a piece of land used to grow CROPs and or to raise ANIMALs.
Since we talked a Little about TREEs and other
VEGETABLEs and FRUITs we can find during SPRING, this

week we will focus on FARM ANIMALs.

Unha FARM (GRANXA) é un terreo que se usa para CULTIVAR e para criar ANIMAIS. 
Como xa falamos un pouco das ÁRBOREs e outros VEXETAIs e FROITAs que podemos atopar durante a SPRING, esta semana centrarémonos nos ANIMAIS da GRANXA.


There are some examples of FARM ANIMALS here.

Hai aquí algúns exemplos de ANIMAIS da FARM. 


There are some examples of FARM ANIMALS here.

Hai aquí algúns exemplos de ANIMAIS da FARM. 


There are some examples of FARM ANIMALS here. You can click on the videos to see and hear them

Hai aquí algúns exemplos de ANIMAIS da FARM. Podes facer click nos vídeos para velos e escoitalos.


Do you know any others? Do you have any of these ANIMALs close to you?

Sabes dalgún máis? Tes algúns destes ANIMALs preto de ti?


What can we DO about this TOPIC even if we have to stay at HOME?

Que podemos FACER sobre este TEMA aínda que teñamos que quedar na CASA?

SING a SONG about the FARMER’s life.

CANTAR unha CANCIÓN sobre a vida como GRANXEIRO/A.

SING the famous Old MacDonald SONG.

CANTAR a famosa CANCIÓN de Old MacDonald.


What can we DO about this TOPIC even if we have to stay at HOME?

Que podemos FACER sobre este TEMA aínda que teñamos que quedar na CASA?

WATCH a video about FARM ANIMALS and their SOUNDS.
MIRAR un vídeo sobre os ANIMAIS da FARM e os seus SONS.

SING a SONG about the FARM animals and their SOUNDS.

CANTAR unha CANCIÓN sobre os ANIMALs da GRANXA e os seus SONS.


What can we DO about this TOPIC even if we have to stay at HOME?

You can create your own FARM BOOK. Take a piece of paper and fold it many times (as a fan). Use the frontpage as a DOOR for the barn. Inside DRAW and COLOUR the ANIMALs you want to have in your FARM.

Podes crear o teu propio LIBRO da GRANXA. Colle un trozo de papel e
dóbrao varias veces (modo abano). Usa a portada como PORTA da granxa. Dentro,
DEBUXA e COLOREA os ANIMALs que queres na túa GRANXA.


What can we DO about this TOPIC even if we have to stay at HOME?

If you have a PRINTER you can do this graphing ACTIVITY (click here) to review the NUMBERs as well.

 FIRST: choose a colour for each ANIMAL.

SECOND: count them and (try to) write the NUMBER.

 THIRD: colour as many squares as animals in the picture.

Se tes IMPRESORA, podes facer esta ACTIVIDADE de gráficos (fai click aquí) para
repasar tamén os NÚMEROS. 

PRIMEIRO: escolle unha cor para cada ANIMAL.

SEGUNDO: cóntaos e (intenta) escribir o NÚMERO. 

TERCEIRO: colorea tantos cadrados como animais no debuxo.


What can we DO about this TOPIC even if we have to stay at HOME?

You can practice feeding FARM ANIMALS with this ACTIVITY. DRAW the face of an ANIMAL with their MOUTH open and GLUE it to any container (yoghurt, toilet paper roll…). Put them in a tray with lentils/rice/beans and try to FEED
the ANIMALs using only a SPOON (no hands).

Podes practicar a dar de comer aos FARM ANIMALS con esta ACTIVIDADE. DEBUXA a cara dun ANIMAL coa súa BOCA aberta e PÉGAA a un recipiente (de iogur, rollo de papel hixiénico…). Ponos nunha bandexa con lentellas/arroz/fabas e intenta DAR DE COMER
aos ANIMALs usando solo unha CULLER (sen axuda das mans).


What can we DO about this TOPIC even if we have to stay at HOME?

You can create a PUPPET SHOW. You can do the PUPPETs by drawing different ANIMALs and glueing the paper to a
STICK (toothpick, tongue depressor…). With a cereal BOX you can create a BARN for those ANIMALs.

Podes facer un SHOW de MARIONETAS. Podes facer as MARIONETAS debuxando nun papel diferentes ANIMALs e pegándoos a un pau (palillo de dentes, depresor de lingua…). Cunha caixa de cereais podes crear a CASA da GRANXA para os ANIMALs.


What can we DO about this TOPIC even if we have to stay at HOME?

For this ACTIVITY you can first WATCH a VIDEO of how to MILK a COW.

Para esta ACTIVIDADE primeiro MIRA o VÍDEO de como ORDEÑAR unha VACA.

 After, try to do it at home: Draw a big COW and attach to the drawing a GLOVE with water (or MILK if you want). Punch a little hole in the glove and put a bucket under the COW.

Despois intenta facelo na casa: DEBUXA una COW (vaca) grande e ponlle un guante (de
plástico) con auga (ou LEITE se queres). Fai un pequeno burato no guante e pon un cubo debaixo da COW.


What can we DO about this TOPIC even if we have to stay at HOME?

When SPRING comes it is time for the SHEEP SHEARING. You can first WATCH the VIDEO and see how careful they are.

Cando chega SPRING é o momento de ESQUILAR as OVELLAS. Podes primeiro VER o VÍDEO e mirar como de coidadosos son.

After do it at home: DRAW a big sheep and put shaving cream all over it. With a stick/tongue depresser/fork, take all the cream away as if you were cutting the SHEEP’s “hair”.

Despois, faino na casa: DEBUXA unha OVELLA (sheep) grande e pon crema de afeitar sobre
ela. Cun pai/depresor/tenedor, quita toda a crema como se estiveses “cortándolle o pelo”.

If you have any doubts, any pictures or work you would like to share...you can contact me via email.
Se tedes dúbidas, algunha foto ou traballo que queirades compartir....podedes contactar comigo a través do correo


Best wishes from your English teacher, Isabel.

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