English 3º- 4º Primaria

Hello students,

Welcome to the last term. Did you enjoy Easter time? I hope so.

Lembrade poñer in your notebook THIRD TERM! Be Creative!

1º SESIÓN (15th April)

We are going to review: JOBS 

1- Listen and repeat:

A continución tedes unha serie de actividades online

 relacionadas con esta unidade.

2 - Listening Activities

3- Activity: Choose the Correct Option

4- Writing Exercise

5- Answer the questions

2º SESIÓN (16th April)

1- Listening: How do firefighters put out fires?

-First, do the presentation activity to help you with words from the video.
- Secondly, watch the videos and after that play the games to check your understanding.

    - Finnaly, answer in your notebook: Would you like to be a firefighter? What job would you like to do when you're older? Tell me about it!

    2. Watch the video and choose the correct answers

    3- Worksheet to practise the Presesnt Simple

    4- Activity: Choose the correct option 

    5- Reading activity: A visit to the water park

    6- Games: Jobs and places vocabulary Interactive Games

    7- Interactive worksheets: Seguide facendo as actividades
     de repaso o voso ritmo.

    Moitos de vós xa accedestes a páxina: 

    asignado un caderno para seguir aprendendo. Mandei as 
    instruccións e o código por ABALAR pero para aqueles que
     aínda non puidestes acceder seguide as seguintes 
    Unha vez dentro da páxina, facedes click en ACCESO

    introducides o seguinte código:6aan1go0oq A continuación

     recibirei unha notificación de que estades rexistrados e 

    asignareivos un caderno. 

    I hope you’re having a good time at home with your 

    family. I miss you. See you soon. Hugs and kisses.

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