ENGLISH 6º Primaria (WEEK 27/4 - 30/4)

    Antes de nada, quero que saibades que estes hearts (corazóns) non aparecen aquí por casualidade. Queremos facervos chegar o noso cariño e tamén o noso aplauso polo fortes que estades sendo tod@s!!

Agora, para non perder hábitos, imos intentar, tamén entre tod@s, seguir traballando o mellor que poidamos.

1º SESIÓN (Monday, 27th April)

(Si non tedes impresora, podedes facer os exercicios in your notebook)
- Today we have two listening comprehensions.Do the exercises to practise and improve your listening skills.

2- Speaking: Record yourself discussing: 

-Do you like numbers?
- Are you good at maths?
-How can you read 2020?
-What's today's date?

4- Click here to play and review numbers.

2º SESIÓN (Tuesday, 28th April)

1- Go to A.B. page 98-99 activities 1-2-3-4

2- Interactive worksheets:

3- Review and study the vocabulary and verbs of this unit.

3º SESIÓN (Thursday, 30th April)

Today we are going to practise READING SKILLS.

1- P.B. page 50 activity 19-20

(Para escoitar os audios tedes que acceder o ebook 

the Tiger)

2- Translate these words.

3. A.B. page 49 activities 16

4- Interactives games about Past Simple.

If you have any doubts, any pictures or work you would like to share...you can contact me via email.


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