English 3º- 4º Primaria

Hello third and forth graders! Hope you are happy at home.

1º SESIÓN (Monday, 20th April)

(Si non tedes impresora, podedes facer os exercicios in your notebook)
- Listen to the conversation and do the exercise to practise and improve your listening skills.

- Speaking: Record yourself discussing: 

What do you do every day? Tell me about your daily routine!

Click here to play a word game to learn and practise daily routines vocabulary.

2- Interactive worksheets


2º SESIÓN (Wednesday, 22nd April)

Today, we'll be grammar detectives

1- Listen and repeat:

2- P.B. page 40 activity 7: Listen and say the missing words. ( Para escoitar os audios tedes que acceder o ebook the Tiger. Xa vos mandei unha mensaxe co USERNAME and PASSWORD.

3- P.B. page 40 activity 8: Play Guess Who!

4- A.B. page 39 activities 8, 9 and 10.

5- Review and study the vocabulary of this unit.

3º SESIÓN (Thursday, 23rd April)

 1- Listening, learning by doing and writing: Watch the following video with 10 easy experiments that will amaze you. You can choose a couple of them and make them. Then, you have to write a short paragraph of each of them. “Podedes elexir dous experimentos para facelos e a continuación escribir un
parágrafo curto de cada un deles”.

4- Interactives games about Hobbies.

If you have any doubts, any pictures or work you would like to share...you can contact me via email.


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