ENGLISH 5º Primaria (WEEK 27/4 - 30/4)

    Antes de nada, quero que saibades que estes hearts (corazóns) non aparecen aquí por casualidade. Queremos facervos chegar o noso cariño e tamén o noso aplauso polo fortes que estades sendo tod@s!!

Agora, para non perder hábitos, imos intentar, tamén entre tod@s, seguir traballando o mellor que poidamos.

1º SESIÓN (Monday, 27th April)

(Si non tedes impresora, podedes facer os exercicios in your notebook)
- Today we have two listening comprehensions.Do the exercises to practise and improve your listening skills.

2- Speaking: Record yourself discussing: 

-Do you like numbers?
- Are you good at maths?
-How can you read 2020?
-What's today's date?

4- Click here to play and review numbers.

2º SESIÓN (Wednesday, 29th April)

1- Go to A.B. page 98-99 activities 1-2-3-4

2- Interactive worksheets:Past Simple

3- Review and study the vocabulary and verbs of this unit.

3º SESIÓN (Thursday, 30th April)

Today we are going to practise READING SKILLS.

1- P.B. page 50 activity 19-20

(Para escoitar os audios tedes que acceder o ebook 


2- Translate these words.

3. A.B. page 49 activities 16

4- Interactives games about Past Simple.

If you say "practice makes perfect", you mean that it is possible to learn something or develop a skill if you practise enough. People often say this to encourage someone to keep practising.

Example: Don't give up on learning English. It's not easy but practice makes perfect.

If you have any doubts, any pictures or work you would like to share...you can contact me via email.


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